Saturday, June 19, 2010

Some call him "Brucie Mack," others "Buck," but I know him best as


Interests: Walks in the park, skiing (with 7 kids following in his tracks), castlewood, clubsport, WWII, baseball, planes, war heros, jazz, i-pad, PTI, Temple (he rocks the white sweater like it's nobody's business), public speaking, rising early, giving pep talks to his kids (me), Modern Family (we converted him).

Passions: Grandkids

BFF: Dan Taylor

Soul Mate: The Boo

Favorite Kid: Jeff

Favorite Song: Top Gun's "Danger Zone."

Theme for Life: Lives by the Scotch meaning of McLeod, "Hold Fast."

Legit Status: Off the charts!

Happy Fathers Day!


  1. Nice first post! Totally agree that Jeff is the favorite child! And sweet legit status. :)

  2. Mel, you're a natural at this! What a sweet post, who knows, with that post you may have made your way to the top of Dad's favorite's list:)
    Love the look of your blog, your picture is priceless!
